Who is the Boss?

Kommentare 0
Speziell, Wesensraum, Zum Tage

Who is the Boss?

Is there any boss?
Do I need a boss?
Who or what is „boss“ for me:
my chef,
my fears,
my partner,
my emotions,
my automobile,
my house, my dog,
my guilty conscience,
my opinion, my beliefs,
beauty or lack of beauty,
my mother, father or child,
my ambitions or my career,
the chatter of my neighbours,
my definition of good and bad,
my sense of duty or responsibility,
my needs,
my traumas,

Am I really able to live without any kind of boss?

Eine wirklich herausfordernde, spannende Frage, nicht wahr?

Das Foto ist ein Schnappschuss vom Rynek, dem berühmten Platz in Krakau, Polen



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