Möppel on tour 7

Kommentare 3

Möppel on tour 7

Hi again, I’m still alive. It was a narrow escape, narrow, really narrow, oh yes!
Me and myself, your one and only Möppel with an „o“ and two points on it, I really don’t deserve what I had to suffer in this awful spot called Warnemünde – what do you think? It took month for me to recover …
I never wanted to return to this place with an „u“ and two points on it, but I wasn’t lucky: Just a year later, oh just a year later …
First however all things seemed to get better, because I had not to return to this apartment where I had to suffer so humiliating things … you know!
This time in Warnemünde I lived in a hotel – full of relief and hope that life is finally fair and nice to a special guy like me.
I hoped in vain.
I really hoped in vain.
I lost all my hope.
I lost everything.
And then …
oh God …
incredible …
you see …
I got enlightened!




3 Kommentare

  1. Pingback: Möppel on tour 8 | Speysight

  2. Pingback: Möppel on Tour 9 | Speysight

  3. Pingback: Möppel on tour 10 | Speysight

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