Möppel on tour 8

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Möppel on tour 8

Sisters and brothers all over the world: It’s me and myself, your one and only Möppel with the „o“ and two points on it.
World, I’m talking to you. After my enlightenment last week I have a message for you!
Oh, more than this: I am the message, you know.
Buddha is my great ideal. He is really my hero.
I am sitting in this blessed Warnemünde with the points of the „u“ on a very very high shelf. Like Buddha I am meditating under a sort of .. ööhh … bodhi-tree – far away from the marketplace of life.
Oh, Buddha! He was so wise, so tranquil. Nothing could threaten him. Nothing. Great, really great.
But … ööhh … Buddha didn’t sit on such a high shelf like I do, did he? It’s really simple not to be afraid, if you are not in danger, isn’t it? This shelf however is very high. Really very very high. Huhuhuhu … I’m afraid of falling down. I am so scared! Buddha!!!
Huhuhuhu …


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